Induction Travel

This service is for annual ticket holders only, you must provide your account reference to validate your ticket. If you have not signed up yet and would like to, please reserve your place here

Up to 2 temporary passes will be permitted per account. Misuse of this induction pass option will result in it being withdrawn.

Please complete the form below. You will be emailed a ‘daily ticket’. You need to print the email off to show the driver on the day of travel.

The ticket is valid for an AM and PM journey on the date selected.

    * Account Reference:
    * Students First Name:
    * Students Surname:
    * Postcode:
    * Parent Name:
    * Telephone No:
    * Email:
    * Valid Date:
    * Route:
    * I Agree to Terms & Conditions:
    * I Agree to Code of Conduct:
    * I require travel to start within the 14 day cancellation period:
    * Upload a clear Photo of students face for Buss Pass ID (JPEG format):

    I understand that Beaver Bus operate a no pass no travel policy.